
Statistics Births 1850-1859

Last updated: 8 June 2022 1850-1859 is the first decade I looked at for births in Moerkapelle. There were 294 births in this decade. This post is a summary of several statistics and information found in the birth records of the 1850s. Due to these Moerkapelle records being the first I’ve looked at, there are…

Focus on 1850-1899

Moerkapelle had become a separate municipality from Bleiswijk on 1 April 1817, though the village Moerkapelle and the polder (made-dry land) surrounding it were much older. It existed as a separate municipality until 1 January 1991, when it merged with Zevenhuizen into Moerhuizen.1 I will be focusing my research first on the 1850-1899 time period.…